In a world where there are 67,000 Google Searches, 58,000 GBs of Internet traffic, 8,000 Tweets & 851 photos uploaded to Instagram every second, it’s hard to filter out all the rubbish news and useless updates. Luckily for you, good old LaserLines have done the hard work for you. You’re welcome.
Slack logo redesign
Unless you’re living under a rock then you MUST have heard about the redesign of the well know and widely used collaboration hub, Slack. They recently enlisted Pentagram to make their iconic hashtag logo into something more modern and fitting for where they see themselves in the future. Pentagram said a lot of the meaning behind the logo is collaboration (Slacks core value) and communication; “The pieces of the symbol are separate but come together, very much the way we do when we collaborate and communicate on the Slack platform: the forms are meant to look as if they’re at once woven together, and bursting open.” – Bierut, Project Lead. We’ve all got mixed feelings about it here in the studio. Why not take a look at the image and let us know your thoughts in the comments section!

KFC – Finger clicking good???
You’re going to have to bare with us on this one. KFC have worked with Ogilvy to create a rather… unique advertisement. Ogilvy Singapore have created an advertisement that shows people buying KFC and receiving what I can only explain as a spare finger? The idea is that when you’re eating KFC your hands get too greasy to use your phone or devices properly. So they came up with the idea of giving customers an extra finger which actually works when tapping on your device. I must add that I genuinely have NO clue if people actually use their feet to use their phones when eating but… Anything is possible right? I’m also sure this is just for PR… Hopefully.
Source: @Ogilvy
Big Pixel – 100+ billion pixel photograph
It’s no surprise that over the years camera quality has been getting better and better. This however…. This takes the biscuit. This company has managed to create an image that has BILLIONS, yes billions of pixels in it. The average photo usually has within the thousands. This is just mind blowing. You can zoom into this photo for what seems forever and still see things in incredible detail. Click the image below to go and have a play for yourself. Just make sure to comeback here. 😉
ZARA logo redesign
This logo redesign has had A LOT of backlash and memes made about it. Spanish fashion giant, ZARA, hired French agency Baron & Baron to redesign their logo but they didn’t get the response they were expecting. Their old logo was made up of a different typeface and had a good amount of spacing between the letters. However, with the new logo it seems they’ve forgotten what spacing is. The new typeface looks fantastic but isn’t really given the chance to shine when all the letters are so close together. The response was filled with designers and people predicting what their next logos will look like. Others were making videos of what they believed was the thought / design process behind the logo. Once again, we’re all not sure about the logo here. Maybe it’ll grow on us, like most rebrands do. What are your thoughts?

10 year challenge – website addition
It’s been all over the internet. People have been posting pictures of them selves from 10 years and what they look like now and been amazed at the difference. So Arun Venkatesan decided to do it a bit differently. Arun has created a post listing a few of the most popular websites and what they looked like 10 years ago. Click here to be taken to the post! Here’s our 10 year challenge for our website! 10 years ago Flash websites were incredibly popular. Cool animations and effects were in and we actually ended up winning awards for our site. If you would like to have a play with our old website you’ll need to first install Flash player and then click on the image of our website to be taken to the Wayback Machine!